Wednesday, 16 March 2016

York Art Gallery

The sketching room was so peaceful, we were inspired to draw

Our challenge was to find things that surprised us and to dig out information on our teams allocated artists. We soon found that there were simply millions of things we wanted to draw- so we spent a peaceful hour looking and sketching things we found exciting

Ptolemy's choice

Niamh's choice 

Sam's choice 

Jasmines choice 

Guess who chose this?

We loved this one- although Luca did make a good point 'I could do that for you, you just need to spill some different paints' 

This prompted some great discussion. We are very clearly split 6 for modern art and the rest for classical technique. Not a bad mornings work! 

After a hard morning observing and commenting on other people's efforts, we had a go ourselves 
What do you think? 

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